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METARs in Plain English
Latest METAR information for EGVN - BRIZE NORTON

EGVN 160250Z 10004KT 4000 HZ FEW010 BKN040 02/01 Q1018 TEMPO 3500 BR

In plain english is....

This is a METAR report for EGVN - BRIZE NORTON .
The report was made 26 minutes ago, at 02:50 UTC.
The wind was blowing at a speed of 4 knots (4.6 miles per hour, 2.1 metres per second) from the East (100°).
The visibility was 2.5 miles (4.0 kilometres).
Weather was Moderate Haze .
There were a few clouds at a height of 1000 feet (305 metres) and broken clouds at a height of 4000 feet (1219 metres).
The temperature was 2°C (36°F), a dew point of 1°C (34°F) and a relative humidity of 93.1%.
The altimeter setting (airfield QNH) was 1,018 hPa (30.06 inHg).
Other remarks TEMPO 3500 BR.

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